Refereed Journal Publications


Yubo Jiao, Ce Zhang, Xiaoyu Chen, Liping Fu, Chaozhe Jiang, Chao Wen (2024) "Driver Fatigue Detection Using Measures of Heart Rate Variability and Electrodermal Activity",IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 10.1109/TITS.2023.3333252


Qiangqiang Shangguan, Jessica Keung, Liping Fu, Lana Samara, Junhua Wang, Ting Fu (2024) "Do Traffic Countermeasures Improve the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users at Signalized Intersections? A Combination of Case-Control and Cross-Sectional Studies Using Video-Based Traffic Conflicts",Transportation research record, 2678(1), 806-819


Reza Aminghafouri, Liping Fu (2024) "Joint confidence region approach to ranking hotspot locations considering uncertainty in expected risk estimates",Transportation research record, 2678(1), 555-567


Ce Zhang, Guangyuan Pan, Liping Fu (2024) "Real-time intersection turning movement flow forecasting using a parallel bidirectional long short-term memory neural network model", Transportation research record, 2678(2), 167-183


Kwon, T.J., and Fu (2013) "Evaluation of alternative criteria for determining the optimal location of RWIS stations", Journal of Modern Transportation, vol. 21., pp 17-27


Kwon, T.J., Fu, L., and Jiang, C. (2013) "Effect of Winter Weather and Road Surface Conditions on Macroscopic Traffic Parameters", accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council. Washington D.C. (accepted in Feb. 2013)


Bagheri, M., F. Saccomanno, L. Fu, (2012), "Modeling Hazardous Materials Risks for Different Train Make-Up Plans", Accepted for publication in Transportation Research (Part E)


Fu, L., R. Omer, and C. Jiang, (2012) "Field test of ogranic deicers as prewetting and anti-icing agents for winter road maintenance", accepted for publication in the Journal of Transportation Research Board. (accepted in Feb. 2012)


[PDF] Usman, T., L. Fu and Miranda-Moreno, L. F. (2012). “A Disaggregate Model for Quantifying the Safety Effects of Winter Road Maintenance Activities at an Operational Level” Accepted for publication in the Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention, February 2012. DOI 10.1016/j.aap.2012.02.005.


[PDF] Eluru, N., Bagheri, M., Miranda-Moreno, L. F., Fu, L. (2012) “A latent class modelling approach for identifying vehicle driver injury severity factors at highway-railway crossings”, accepted for publication in Accident Analysis & Prevention. (accepted in Jan 2012)


[PDF] Usman, T.; L. Fu, Miranda-Moreno (2011). “Accident prediction models for winter road safety: does temporal aggregation of data matters?” Journal of Transportation Research Record No 2237. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2011, pp. 144–151.


[PDF] Sun, D., G. Peng, L. Fu, H. He (2011) A Continuum Traffic Flow Model with the Consideration of Coupling Effect for Two-lane Freeways, Acta Mechanica Sinica 27, (2011), No. 2, 228-236. (Accepted in 2011)


[PDF] Finkleman, J., Casello, J., L. Fu (2011) “Empirical Evidence from the Greater Toronto Area on the Acceptability and Impacts of HOT Lanes” Accepted for publication in Transport Policy (accepted in May 2011)


[PDF] Usman, T., Fu, L., Miranda-Moreno, L. (2010), “Accident prediction models for quantifying safety benefit of winter road maintenance”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42(6), pp 1878–1887.


[PDF] Ghods, A. H., L. Fu and A. Rahimi-Kian (2010) “An Efficient Optimization Approach to Real-Time Coordinated and Integrated Freeway Traffic Control”, accepted for publication in the Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (accepted in June 2010)


[PDF] Bagheria, M., F. Saccomannob, S. Chenouric and L. Fu, (2010) "Reducing the threat of in-transit derailments involving dangerous goods through effective placement along the train consist", Accident Analysis and Prevention (Accepted in 2010)


[PDF] Bagheri, M., Saccomanno, F. F., and Fu, L., (2010) "Effective placement of dangerous goods cars in rail yard marshaling operation", accepted for publication in Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (accepted in Feb. 2010)


Miranda-Moreno, L. F., M. Heydari, D. Lord and L. Fu, "Bayesian Road Safety Analysis: Incorporation of Past Evidences and Effect of Hyper-Prior Choice", Journal of Safety Research (accepted in April 2009)


[PDF] Miranda-Moreno, L. F., Liping Fu, S. Ukkusuri, D. Lord, (2009) "How to incorporate accident severity and vehicle occupancy into the hotspot identification", accepted for publication in the Journal of Transportation Research Board. (accepted in Feb. 2009)


[PDF] Fu, L., M. Trudel, and V. Kim (2008), "Optimizing winter road maintenance operations under real-time information", European Journal of Operational Research 196 (2009) 332–341. (submitted in 2008) (NSERC/MTO)


[PDF] Hellinga, B., P. Izadpanah, H. Takada and L. Fu, (2008), "Decomposing Travel Times Measured by Probe-based Traffic Monitoring Systems to Individual Road Segments", Transportation Research Part C 16 (2008) 768–782 (accepted in March 2008) (NSERC)


[PDF] Shioda, R., M. Shea and L. Fu, (2007), "Performance Metrics and Data Mining for Assessing Schedule Qualities in Paratransit", accepted for presentation at TRB 2008 Annual Meeting and publication in the Journal of Transportation Research Board (accepted in Nov. 2007). (NSERC)


[PDF] Miranda, L., A. Labbe and L. Fu (2007), "Multiple Bayesian testing procedures for selecting sites for engineering safety improvements", accepted for publication in Accident Prevention and Analysis (accepted in March 2007). (Scholarship)


[PDF] Sun, D., M. Zhao, L. Fu, W. Liu, and W. Song (2007), "Predicting Bus Arrival Time Based on GPS Data", accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. (accepted in March 2007). (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L., J. Yong and J. Casello (2007), "Quantifying the Technical Efficiency of Paratransit Systems Using the Data Envelopment Analysis Method", accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. (accepted in Feb 2007). (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. and Y. Xin (2006), "A New Performance Index for Evaluating Transit Quality of Service", accepted for publication in the Journal of Public Transportation (accepted in Dec. 2006). (NSERC)


[PDF] Saccomanno, F.F., Y. Park and L. Fu (2006), "Estimating Countermeasure Effects for Reducing Collisions at Highway-Railway Grade Crossings", accepted for publication in Accident Analysis & Prevention (accepted in Aug. 2006). (Transport Canada/NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L., J. Henderson, and S. Li (2007), "Locating Changeable Message Signs for Advanced Traffic Information and Management Systems", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 34, Number 5, May 2007, pp. 651-663(13). (NSERC)


[PDF] Miranda, L. and L. Fu (2006), "A Comparative Study of Alternative Model Structures and Criteria for Ranking Locations for Safety Improvements", Networks and Spatial Economics (NETS), Volume 6, Number 2, June 2006, pp. 97-110. (Scholarship/Transport Canada)


[PDF] Fu, L., R. Sooklall, M. S. Perchanok (2005), "Effectiveness of Alternative Chemicals for Snow Removal on Highways", Transportation Research Record 1948, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 125-134, 2006. (MTO)


[PDF] Fu, L., D. Sun, L. Rilett (2006), "Heuristic Shortest Path Algorithms for Transportation Applications: State of the Art", Journal of Computers & Operations Research 3 (2006), pp. 3324-3343. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L., S. Li, J. Henderson (2005), "A Planning Model for Determining Optimal CMS Locations on a Freeway-Arterial Network", A Special Issue of the Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology. (NSERC)


[PDF] Miranda, L., L. Fu, F. F. Saccomanno, A. Labbe (2005), "Alternative Risk Models for Ranking Locations for Safety Improvement", Transportation Research Record 1908, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 1-8, 2005. (Scholarship/Transport Canada)


[PDF] Xin, Y., L. Fu and F. F. Saccomanno (2004), "Assessing Transit Level of Service along Travel Corridors Using TCQSM - A Case Study", Transportation Research Record 1927, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 259-267, 2005. (NSERC)


[PDF] F. F. Saccomanno, L. Fu and L. Miranda (2004), "Risk-Based Model for Identifying Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Blackspots", Transportation Research Record 1862, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. pp. 127-135, 2004. (Scholarship/Transport Canada)


[PDF] Hamouda, G., F. F. Saccomanno and L. Fu (2004), "Quantitative Risk Assessment Decision-Support Model for Locating Hazardous Materials Teams", Transportation Research Record 1873, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. pp. 1-8, 2004. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. and G. Ishkhanov (2003), "Fleet Size and Mix Optimization for Paratransit Services", Transportation Research Record 1884, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. pp. 39-46. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. (2003), "A Fuzzy Queuing Model for Real-time, Adaptive Prediction of Incident Delay for ATMS/ATIS", Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1-23, 2004. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L., Q. Lui and P. Calamai (2003), "Real-time Optimization Model for Dynamic Scheduling of Transit Operations", Transportation Research Record 1857, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. pp. 48-55, 2003. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. (2002), "Analytical Model for the Planning and Design of Paratransit Services", Transportation Research Record 1841, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2004, pp. 81-89. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. (2002), "Planning and Design of Flexible Transit Services", Transportation Research Record 1791, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 59-66. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. (2002), "Simulation Model for Evaluating Intelligent Paratransit Systems", Transportation Research Record 1760, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 93-99. (NSERC)


[PDF] Hellinga, B. and L. Fu (2002), "Reducing Bias in Probe-Based Arterial Link Travel Time Estimates for ITS Applications", Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 10, 4, August 2002, pp. 257-273. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. (2002), "Scheduling Dial-a-Ride Paratransit under Time-Varying, Stochastic Congestion", Transportation Research, Part B, Vol. 36, 6, July, 2002, pp. 485-506. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. (2002), "A Simulation Model for Evaluating Advanced Dial-A-Ride Paratransit Systems", Transportation Research, Part A, Vol. 36, pp. 291-307. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. and F. Yang, (2002), "Design and Implementation of Bus Holding Control Strategies under Real-time Information", Transportation Research Record 1791, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 6-12. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. and Y. Xu (2001), "Potential Effects of Automatic Vehicle Location and Computer-Aided Dispatch Technology on Paratransit Performance: A Simulation Study", Transportation Research Record 1760, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 107-113. (NSERC)


[PDF] Saccomanno, F. F., L. Fu and R. K. Roy (2001), "GIS-Based Integrated Model for Road Accident Analysis and Prediction", Transportation Research Record 1768, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 193-202. (Transport Canada)


[PDF] Fu, L. (2001), "An Adaptive Routing Algorithm for In-vehicle Route Guidance Systems with Real-time Information", Transportation Research, Part B: Methodological, Vol. 35B, No. 8, pp. 749-765. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. and L. R. Rilett (2001), "Estimation of Time-dependent, Stochastic Route Travel Times Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)", Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 24, pp. 25-48. (NSERC)


[PDF] Fu, L. and B. Hellinga (2000), "Delay Variability at Signalised Intersections", Transportation Research Record 1710, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 215-221. (in print, accepted in 1999)


[PDF] Hellinga, B. and L. Fu (1999), "Assessing the Expected Accuracy of Probe Vehicle Travel Time Reports", Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 125, No. 6, ASCE, 1999, pp. 524-530.


[PDF] Fu, L. and S. Teply (1999), "A Program for Off- and On-line Routing and Scheduling of Dial-A-Ride Paratransit Vehicles", Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 14, 1999, pp. 309-319.


[PDF] Fu, L. (1999), "Improving Paratransit Scheduling by Accounting for Dynamic and Stochastic Variations in Travel Time", Transportation Research Record 1666, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1999, pp. 74-81.


[PDF]Eluru, N., Bagheri, M., Miranda-Moreno, L. F., Fu, L. (2012) “A latent class modelling approach for identifying vehicle driver injury severity factors at highway-railway crossings”, accepted for publication in Accident Analysis & Prevention. (accepted in Jan 2012)


[PDF] Fu, L. and L. R. Rilett (1997), "Real-time Estimation of Incident Delay in Dynamic and Stochastic Networks", Transportation Research Record 1603, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC, 1997.


Fu, L. and Z. Yao, "Finite Element Analysis of Load transfer of Concrete Pavement", Journal of East Chinese Highway, No. 5, 1988.


Miranda-Moreno, L. F. and L. Fu, "Chapter 2: Traffic Safety Study: Empirical Bayes or Hierarchical Bayes", in Transportation Statistics / edited by B. W. Sloboda, J. Ross Publishing, 2009

Conference Presentations and Publications


Kwon, T. J., L. Fu, Perchanok, M. S., and McClintock, H. (2013) "A Systematic Approach for Locating Road Weather Information System (RWIS) Stations in Canada", accepted for presentation at 2013 TAC Conference and Exhibition, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 22-25.


L. Fu, Cao, J., Kwon, T.J., Perchanok, M. S., and McClintock, H. (2013) "Winter Road Maintenance – a comparison of alternative performance measures and service standards", accepted for presentation at 2013 TAC Conference and Exhibition, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 22-25.


Kwon, T.J., Fu, L., and Perchanok, M.S (2013). "Performance Benchmarking of RWIS Pavement Temperature Forecasts", Proceedings of the 92nd Annual TRB conference, Washington D.C., Jan 13-17.


Cao, L., Thakali, L., and Fu, L. (2013) "Effect of Weather and Road Surface Conditions on Traffic Speed of Rural Highways", Proceedings of the 92nd Annual TRB conference, Washington D.C., Jan 13-17.


Fu, L., Omer, R., Hossain, S.M.K., and Jiang, C (2013) "An Experimental Study of Snow Melting Performance of Salt for Snow and Ice Control of Parking Lots", Proceedings of the 92nd Annual TRB conference, Washington D.C., Jan 13-17.


Omer, R., Fu, L., and Liagat, Z (2013) "Survey of Current State of Practice for Winter Maintenance of Parking Lots and Sidewalks", Proceedings of the 92nd Annual TRB conference, Washington D.C., Jan 13-17.


Kwon, T.J., and Fu, L.(2012). "Effect of Inclement Weather Conditions on Macroscopic Traffic Behavior". Conference Proceedings of the 9th International Transportation Specialty Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Edmonton, AB., 2012.


Usman, T., L. Fu, L. F., Miranda-Moreno, and M. S. Perchanok (2012). “Application of Collision Prediction Models for Quantifying the Safety Benefit of Winter Road Maintenance”. International Conference on Winter Maintenance and Surface Transportation Weather, April 30 – May 3, 2012, Iowa City, Iowa. E – C 162, Pp 29 – 42.


Donaher, G., T. Usman, L. Fu, L. F., Miranda-Moreno, and M. S. Perchanok (2012). “Quantifying the Mobility Effects of Winter Snow Storms and the Benefits of Winter Road Maintenance. International Conference on Winter Maintenance and Surface Transportation Weather, April 30 – May 3, 2012, Iowa City, Iowa. E – C 162, Pp 173 – 186.


Usman, T., L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and L. Fu (2012). “Analysis of Injury Severity Outcomes of Highway Winter Crashes: A Multi-Level Modeling Approach”. Paper No. 12 – 1907. 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board January 2012.


Usman, T., L. Fu, Miranda-Moreno (2011). “Winter Road Safety: Effects of Weather, Maintenance Operations and Road Characteristics”. American Society of Civil Engineers Conference Proceedings. doi: doi:10.1061/41177(415)201. Pp 1152-1159.


Perchanok, Max., Liping Fu; Feng Feng; Taimur Usman; Heather McClintock; Jim Young; Kevin Fleming (2010). “Sustainable Winter Sanding with Pre-wetting.”Annual Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada. Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Usman, T., L. Fu, Mirenda-Moreno, L. F. (2010) "Modeling the Severity of Winter Road Collisions", Proceedings of 8th International Transportation Specialty Conference , Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 9-12, 2010


Feng, F., L. Fu, M. Perchanok, (2010) "Classification of Winter Road Surface Conditions based on Continuous Friction Measurement", Proceedings of World Road Association's (PIARC's) XIII International Winter Road Congress, Quebec, Feb. 8-11, 2010.


Usman, T., L. Fu, L. Miranda-Moreno, and M. Perchanok, (2010) "A Multilevel Disaggregate Model for Quantifying the Safety Effect of Winter Road Maintenance", Proceedings of World Road Association's (PIARC's) XIII International Winter Road Congress, Quebec, Feb. 8-11, 2010.


Feng, F., L. Fu, and M. Perchanok (2010) "Winter Road Surface Condition Classification Based on Continuous Friction Measurement" presented at TRB 2010 Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 10-14, 2010.


Shahdah, U. and L. Fu (2010) "Quantifying the Mobility Benefits of Winter Road Maintenance – A Simulation Based Analysis", presented TRB 2010 Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, Jan. 10-14, 2010.


Usman, T., L. Fu, Mirenda-Moreno, L. F. (2010) "Accident Prediction Models for Quantifying Safety Benefit of Winter Road Maintenance", presented TRB 2010 Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, Jan. 10-14, 2010.


Bagheri, M., Saccomanno, F.F., and Fu, L. (2009), Risk based model for marshalling dangerous goods railway cars in rail yards, In 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Proceedings, Washington DC, Jan. 2009


Bagheri, M., Saccomanno, F.F., and Fu, L. (2009), Dangerous goods railway car placement model, In 9th International Heavy Haul Conference Proceedings, Shanghai, Jun. 2009


Bagheri, M., Fu, L., Saccomanno, F.F. (2009) Effective Marshalling at Rail Yards to Mitigate Risk of Derailments Involving Dangerous Goods, The CORS/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Models and Methods for Planning Railroad Operations Transportation Science & Logistics cluster, Toronto, June 14-17, 2009.


Bagheri, M., Saccomanno, F.F., Fu, L., Risk Assessment Model for Marshalling Rail Cars along a Freight Train, First Annual Joint ITE Section, Institute of Transportation Engineers. University of Waterloo, March 04, 2009 (received prize for one of the three top presentations).


Miranda, L., D. Lord and L. Fu (2007), "Prior Distributions for Dispersion Parameter in Hierarchical Models in Road Safety Studies", presented at TRB 2007 Annual Meeting in the Journal of Transportation Research Board. (submitted July 2007)


Fu, L., B. Hashemloo, Yumei Fu and Valeri Kim (2007), "Forecasting of Road Surface Temperature Using Time Series, Artificial Neural Networks and Linear Regression Models", presentated at TRB 2007 Annual Meeting and possible publication in the Journal of Transportation Research Board. (submitted July 2007)


Fu, L., F. Feng and M. Perchanok (2007), "Probabilistic Models for Discriminating Road Surface Conditions based on Friction Measurements", presented at TRB 2007 Annual Meeting in the Journal of Transportation Research Board. (submitted July 2007)


L. Fu, F. Saccomanno, L. F. Miranda-Moren, Y-J Park, J. Chen, (2006) "GradeX – A Decision Support Tool for Hotspot Identification and Countermeasure Analysis of Highway-Railway Grade Crossings" accepted for presentation at TRB 2007 Annual Meeting.


Luis F. Miranda-Moreno and L. Fu (2006) "Traffic Safety Study: Empirical Bayes Or Full Bayes?" accepted for presentation at TRB 2007 Annual Meeting.


L. Fu, F. Saccomanno, L. F. Miranda-Moren, Y-J Park, J. Chen, "GradeX – A Web-based Decision Support Tool for Hotspot Identification and Countermeasure Analysis of Canadian Highway-Railway Grade Crossings", Presented at the 9th International Level Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention Symposium, Montreal, Canada, September 10-14, 2006


Saccomanno, F.F., Park, Y-J , Fu, L, "Estimating Countermeasure Effectiveness at Highway-railway Grade Crossings", Presented at the 9th International Level Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention Symposium, Montreal, Canada, September 10-14, 2006


Miranda-Moreno, L.F. and L. Fu, "A New Methodology for Assessing Total Risk at Highway-railway Grade Crossings", Presented at the 9th International Level Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention Symposium, Montreal, Canada, September 10-14, 2006


Fu, L., M. Perchanok, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, Q. A. Shah (2005), "Effects of Winter Weather and Maintenance Treatments on Highway Safety ", accepted for presentation in the Annual TRB meeting, Washington, D.C. (accepted in Oct. 2005)


L. Fu, J. Henderson, and S. Li (2005), "Locating Changeable Message Signs for Advanced Traffic Information and Management Systems ", submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. (22 pages, submitted in Nov. 2005)


Sun D. and L. Fu (2004), "Cellular Phone Based Real-Time Bus Arrival Information System ", Edited by Kumares C. Sinha et al. 《Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering》, American Society of Civil Engineers, May 2004, pp250~254


Liu W., D. Sun, W. Song and L. Fu (2004), " A Virtual Common Information Platform for Intelligent Transportation Systems ", Proceedings - 7th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC, Washington, D.C., October 3-6 2004, pp136~141


Miranda, L.and L. Fu (2004) "A comparative study of alternative risk estimators for ranking highway-rail grade crossings for safety improvement", the Pan-American Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (PANAM XIII), New York, September, 2004. (accepted in May 2004)


Trudel, M. and L. Fu (2004), " A Real-Time Scheduling Model for Winter Road Maintenance Operations ", accepted for presentation in the Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board and publication in Transportation Research Record, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2005 . (accepted in Oct. 2004)


Henderson, J. and L. Fu (2003), "Applications of Genetic Algorithms in Transportation Engineering", accepted for presentation in the Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board and publication in Transportation Research Record, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2004 . (accepted in Oct. 2003)


Ren C.,, L. Fu and F. Saccomanno and (2003), "Identifying Blackspots at Highway-rail Grade Crossings in Canada", CTRF 2003 Proceedings, Second Prize of Conference Paper Competition, Ottawa, Ontario, May 11-14, 2003, pp. 168-182.


Saccomanno, F.F., C. Ren and L. Fu (2003), "Collision Prediction Models for Highway-Rail Grade Crossings in Canada", presented in the Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2003 . (20 pages, submitted in July 2002)


Hamouda, G., L. Fu and F. Saccomanno and (2002), "Locating Emergency Response Units for Dangerous Goods Movements: How to Assess the Risk", CTRF 2002 Proceedings/ACTES, St. John's, Newfoundland, May 12-15, 2002, pp. 224-245.


Yang X. and L. Fu (2002), "A Component-based Simulation Model for Evaluating Advanced Transit Control Systems", Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conferences of Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers, Ottawa, May 12-15, 2002.


Fu, L. and B. Hellinga (2002), "Real-time, Adaptive Prediction of Incident Delay for Advanced Traffic Management and Information Systems", Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers, Ottawa, May 12-15, 2002.


Hamouda, G., F. Saccomanno and L. Fu (2002), "A Risk-Based Optimization Model to Locate Emergency Response Units for Dangerous Goods Movements", presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2002.


Fu, L., B. Hellinga and Y. Zhu (2001), "An Adaptive Model for Real-time Estimation of Overflow Queues on Congested Arterials", Proceedings of The IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Oakland, CA, August 25-29, pp. 219-226.


Hamouda, G., F. Saccomanno and L. Fu (2001), "Allocating Emergency Response Facilities to Mitigate Risks of Dangerous Goods Transportation", CTRF 2001 Proceedings/ACTES, Vol. 1, Vancouver, BC, May 6-9, 2001, pp. 363-376.


Fu, L. (2000), "Evaluating Advanced Pickup and Delivery Systems: a Simulation Study", CTRF 2000 Proceedings/ACTES, Vol. 1, Second prize of Conference Paper Competition. Charlottetown, PEI, June 4-7, 2000, pp. 201-215.


Hellinga, B., L. Fu, and S. Selkirk (1999), "Route Selection Considering Travel Time Variability", Proceedings of ITS World Congress, CD-ROM, Toronto, November 11-16, 1999.


Fu, L. and B. Hellinga (1999), "Estimation of Arrival-time Dependent Delay Variability at Signalized Intersections", CD-ROM Preprint, 78th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 1999.


Fu, L. (1998), "FirstWin: A Decision Support System for Dial-A-Ride Paratransit Operations", Proceedings of the Third INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Montreal, April 26-28, 1998, pp. 216-233.


Teply, S. and L. Fu (1997), "Vehicular, Person and Pedestrian Delays at Signalised Intersections", Proceedings of the 8th International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Symposium on Transportation Systems, V3, edited by M. Papageorgiu and A. Pouliezos, Chania, Greece, June, 1997, pp. 1403-1408.


Teply, S. and L. Fu (1996), "Theoretical Foundations of a Practical Canadian Guide for the Design of Signalised Intersections", Proceedings of the Colloquium on Transport - the Subject of Scientific Research, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech, September, 1996, pp. 182-198.

Non-refereed Contributions and Project Reports


Kwon, T.J., and and Fu, L (2012) "Performance Benchmarking of RWIS Pavement Temperature Forecasts", Final report submitted to Aurora Program, Iowa Department of Transportation, Ames, Iowa.


Fu, L. and F. Feng (2008), Probabilistic Models for Discriminating Road Surface Conditions based on Friction Measurements, Final Report submitted to Ministry of Transportation Ontario, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2008. (MTO)


F. Feng and L. Fu (2008), Evaluation of Two New Vaisala Sensors for Road Surface Conditions Monitoring, Final Report submitted to Ministry of Transportation Ontario, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2008. (MTO)


Behzad Hashemloo, L. Fu, and Y. Fu (2008), Forecasting Pavement Surface Temperature Using Time Series and Artificial Neural Networks, Final Report submitted to Ministry of Transportation Ontario, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2008. (MTO)


Fu, L. and R. Sooklall, M. (2006), Effectiveness of Alternative Chemicals for Snow Removal on Highways, Final Report submitted to Ministry of Transportation Ontario, Department of Civil Engineering, 2006. (MTO)


Fu, L., L. Miranda Moreno, Q. Ali Shah, and C. Lee, Effects of Winter Weather and Maintenance Treatments on Highway Safety, Final Report submitted to Ministry of Transportation Ontario, Department of Civil Engineering, 2005. (MTO/NSERC)


Fu, L., J. Henderson, and B. Hellinga (2003), Inventory of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Projects in Canada, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, June, 2003. (ITS Canada)


Saccomanno, L. Fu, C. Ren and L. Miranda (2003), Identifying Highway-railway Grade Crossing Blackspots: Phase 1, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, Oct. 2003. (Transport Canada)


Fu, L., User's Guide: FirstWin - A Tool for Routing and Scheduling Dial-A-Ride Paratransit Vehicles, Waterloo, Ontario, 78 pages, 1997-2001. (NSERC)


Fu, L., A Guide to SimParatransit - A Simulation Model for Intelligent Paratransit Systems, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 20 pages, 1999-2002. (NSERC)