(Dynamically Dimensioned Search)
Fortran and matlab source code and executables for
the DDS algorithm, a heuristic optimization method for application to
environmental models. (B. Tolson)
A distributed grid-based hydrological model for use with integrated
atmospheric models. Based upon CLASS 3.4 and WATFLOOD (Environment
Canada, R.Soulis)
An optimization/parameter estimation toolkit, Ostrich implements
numerous model-independent heuristic and gradient-based optimization
and calibration (parameter estimation) routines (LS Matott, former EMA group faculty)
A robust and flexible hydrological modelling framework, designed for application
to challenging hydrological problems in academia and practice. This fully object-oriented code
provides complete flexibility in spatial discretization, interpolation, process representation,
and forcing function generation. (JR Craig)
Visual AEM
A graphical user interface for groundwater flow and contaminant
transport modeling using the analytic element method. Includes tools
for capture zone delineation, particle tracking, zone budget/transect
analysis, GIS import/export, mesh generation, and parameter estimation
(JR Craig,LS Matott)
An integrated set of computer programs to forecast flood flows for
watershed having response times ranging from one hour to several weeks.
(N.Kouwen, F.Segleneiks)