Vegetated Channels - N. Kouwen, University of Waterloo
For a complete list of my publications dealing with flow in vegetated channels, please click here. I will be happy to send you reprints of journal papers that you can not obtain from your library.
For my presentation in Trento, Italy, Feb. 20, 2003: trento_kouwen.pdf
For a short movie of the plastic grass in the flume: plastic_grass.mpg
Grass Channel Design: grs97.exe is a QuickBasic program to analyse or design a trapezoidal or wide grass channel. You can download this program or run it directly from the link. The source code is available on request.
You may download my experimental data from the experiments on flexible plastic roughness here: A B C D1 D2 E1 E2 F1 F2 Notation
Conditions for use of the data are that you acknowledge the source of the data in any publication and that I ( receive a copy of any resulting publication. Also please let me know if you have downloaded the data (just for interest).