Hi Erik
With linux, the version that is posted online for Raven is compiled on our linux server, which may or may not work on the local machine, depending on the installations and linux flavour you are running. The best thing is likely to download the Raven source code and compile it directly. Here are the steps you should follow on a linux machine to compile the Raven source code yourself:
1. Download the v3.0 source code from the website
http://raven.uwaterloo.ca/Downloads.html2. Unzip the folder
3. (OPTIONAL) Depending on whether you need netcdf capability and have netcdf installed, you may wish to turn this off in the Raven file. This can easily be done with the following steps. If you have netcdf installed and/or need it for your Raven runs, skip this step.
a) Open the file called 'Makefile' and make sure that lines 24 and 25 read as follows (I believe they are set commented out as per below when downloaded, but you will need to adjust this if you DO want netcdf, so good to know about this in any case).
Code: Select all
CXXFLAGS += #-Dnetcdf # if netcdf is installed ..."
LDLIBS := #-L/usr/local -lnetcdf # if netcdf is installed ..."
b) Save the file if any changes were made and close it.
4. With the netcdf resolved, in the terminal navigate to the unzipped folder "RavenSource3.0"
5. Run the cmd "make" to compile Raven; this should produce a file called Raven.exe
6. Move this executable to the suitable folder and test if the Raven executable works by running ./Raven.exe. Check the permissions if necessary but I think when compiled the default is to have execute permissions automatically.
Let me know if that works, and let me know if you have any trouble. Cheers!