Road Talk - Ontario's Transportation Technology Transfer Digest

Road Talk is a monthly publication of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and is distributed provincially, nationally and internationally. For more information, please visit

Recent Issues (2011):

      Vol 17, no 4 [PDF]                     Vol 17, no 3 [PDF]                    Vol 17, no 2 [PDF]                  Vol 17, no 1 [PDF]



Aurora (RWIS - US/MTO/MTQ)

Clarus (MDSS/ITS - US)

Clear Roads (Maintenance Treatments - US)


The Pacific Northwest Snowfighters (PNS)

PIARC (World Road Congress, International Winter Road Congress)

Conferences and Proceedings

● TRB Annual Meeting
           - TRB Transportation Research Circular, Maintenance Management 2009, Presentations from the 12th AASHTO–TRB
              Maintenance Management Conference. [PDF]

           - SIRWEC Conferences (200~2008)

Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)

Canadian Society for Civil Enigneering (CSCE)

ITS Canada

● 2008 International Symposium on Snow Removal and Ice Control Technology. [PDF]

Performance Measurement

● WTI, Development of Winter Severity Index, 2005 (excellent review of literature on WSI)

● NCHRP 136,Performance Measures for Snow and Ice Control Operations

The Effects of Winter Road Maintenance (review on literature...)

● Hanbali, Rashad M. (1992), "Influence of winter road maintenance on traffic accident rates", Marquette University,
    Milwaukee, WI

● Carl-Gustaf Wallman and H. Astrom (2001),Friction Measurement Methods and The Correlation between Road Friction
    and Traffic Safety - A Literature Review. [PDF]

Technologies and Tools

Maintenance Guidelines

Deicing and Anti-icing Materials and Methods



AerotechTelub ITS Technology, Sweden

Boschungs, Switzerland

Coastal Evironmental Systems, US

Cross, Czech Republic (Winter maintenance index information)

LAB-EL, Poland

Lufft, Germany

Optical Scientific, USA

ScanMatic, Norway

Surface Systems, USA

● Friction: Holliday Technologies Inc.